the castle at Walt Disney World
Magic Destinations

Preparation for Walt Disney World

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How to prepare for a Disney Trip

Preparation for Walt Disney World can help give your trip that little extra magic.

This post is meant as light hearted advice. How much planning or prep you do for a trip is totally up to you. It is not a requirement for trip enjoyment. But some prep steps can make a difference to your holiday if you want a particular experience.

Planning a Walt Disney World Trip

Taking a trip to Walt Disney World? Planning and preparation is key!

When planning a Walt Disney World trip, especially from the UK, it can be a once in a lifetime experience. Or at least for most of us something we are not able to repeat frequently. Therefore it takes a lot of time and energy to plan. When you are there you really want to be able to enjoy the whole experience!

This is why it is important to prepare yourself both physically and mentally. Below is how I personally plan and prepare for my infrequent Walt Disney World trips.

Mental Preparation for Walt Disney World

I want to make sure that I’m totally prepared for all possibilities good and bad. Whilst this isn’t really possible, it is a good idea to think of some potential key issues and how to combat them.

A must do list

No matter who you are travelling with if you are going to a busy destination a bit of research ahead of time creating your own must do list is a good idea. If you want to consider other peoples must dos too you could try our family of threes method. Each person picks 3 must dos for the trip which makes 9 for a holiday.

I started by compiling my own “must do” list. Precise things that I really know I want to do while I’m away and things that I will be gutted if I don’t do. But also general things are important to think about too; for example I know I want to try lots of different restaurants, but I also know I don’t want to go on lots of rides.

Group Dynamics

Group dynamics can be totally different when traveling then when at home. Also a location can seem totally different when you are travelling on your own, with a partner, with friends or extended family.

For my 2018 trip I was travelling with my partner, my mum, his mum and his brother so I went expecting…a little bit of drama! You just can’t keep everyone happy at the same time all the time! Therefore it is very important to know exactly what you do and don’t want to do. And advocate for frequent open communication.

I know I’m happy for the group to split up, we don’t need to spend all our time together. So if other people want to go on rides I would rather go off and do something else rather than waste my time waiting as this is more likely to lead to tension. Compared to when we meet up say at a restaurant or show, I know that time will be quality time rather than an argument!

But communication between the party here is key so you are all on the same page.

So plan out what you want to then see how this compares to others in your group. What will or wont you compromise on? Will you be the matching t-shirt family or will you do your own thing and only come together at certain points? Discuss all of this thoroughly in advance. Certainly do not wait till you are starving and hungry in a queue annoyed at each other for not being mind readers. 

Real Life experience-our family trip 2018

Whilst there was definitely frictions I felt our prep and pre-discussions helped ease over any issues. Even if at the time one person didn’t agree then at least the group as whole was in agreement so no big fallings out happened. I learnt the importance of stopping people from getting too hangry though! Organised restaurant meeting points and plenty of snacks were the best ideas!

Physical Preparation for Walt Disney World

There are lots of other factors to consider in the run up to a Disney trip including…


Will you need inflight entertainment?

If yes then you will need perhaps a laptop or at least a tablet or an MP3 player. Remember all these need to have chargers (that work), and plugs which can be used in the US. It might also be worth buying a portable charging bank. When I knew we were going to Disney I made a little pack of things we will need. This included new hard wearing charging cables and a portable charger and gifted a pack each to my family for Christmas.

Remember if you going a group a phone is very important to keep in contact and arrange meeting up (there is Wifi in a lot of Disney areas). Phones are also important in the modern world for taking photos so it’s important to have a phone with space which takes great photos.

Perhaps its time to invest in a new camera? If you buy new technology make sure to buy it in advance of your trip. This way you have a chance to learn it before you get there. The last thing you want to do is miss a parade going past because you couldn’t figure out how your camera works!

Time to Pack

When packing it is important to consider

1) What you plan to do while on holiday

2) The weather-basically you need some sort of coat even in Florida! Just because you only pack shorts does not mean the sun will constantly shine!

3) The Amenities at your hotel. For example some hotel rooms have a washer dryer so you can pack less and wash them.

4) Flight restrictions. What ever you do make sure you pack the right minis in your hand luggage or normal sized in hold luggage (in a way that they will not leak!)

Wash bag dramas

Do not go over board on the products. No one wants to start a holiday having had their favourite perfume/shampoo/foundation/deodorant etc seized, not magic at all!

On this note don’t forget many hotels provide certain bathroom products. So unless for example you need to use a particular shampoo (Girl I feel you!) it can be worth leaving stuff behind and using the provided. Plus if you are staying on-site at Disney the themed products make great souvenirs-check with your hotel what is provided as since COVID this has changed!

If travelling and staying in a group it’s also worth discussing packing beforehand so you can share products like toothpaste etc.


Clothes wise as I said a coat can be very useful for Florida’s downpours.

It is also important to pay attention to the temperatures and weather at the time you are visiting. Even in the hottest weather it can be worth packing at least one jumper with Air Con in restaurants and late nights you never know if you might need it! Unless you are prepared to pay tourist prices for a Spirit Jersey.

Make sure you don’t rush the packing and give yourself a little bit of time and spending money beforehand to go shopping for any other bits you might need/forgotten.

Basics, like underwear, are very important. For example, ladies, wearing the right size bra can make you look a 1000 times better so its worth investing in some new ones pre-holiday and getting properly measured (think of all the photos).

Again with this if you plan on swimming, go to the water parks or lazing around the pool a really nice swim suit will do wonders for your confidence. This goes for the guys too as no-one wants to see an old pair of speedos!

Finally shoes. Make sure you have several pairs you can take. Including ones that are comfortable to walk in (about 12 miles a day) and that you are used to wearing but look clean and presentable. If investing in new ones be sure to break them in around the house first!

Head to Toe preparation for Walt Disney World

As I’ve said previously you will take, and be in, lots of photos.

Therefore I think it is important to take care of yourself in the run up to the trip. before a Walt Disney World trip we increase our excercise/walking stamina to help prepare us for the walking so we are not constantly exhausted with aching joints! I also want to look nice in the photos, I have few bad photos as well as hundreds of good ones from previous trips but its always the bad photos I think of first!


As well as an exercise regime I also adapt my beauty regime. For me this focuses on exfoliating, moisturising and toning from my head to my toes so my skin is as clear and radiant as possible! This also means in the immediate run-up making sure to avoid sugars which can cause breakouts, drink lots of water to hydrate and get lots of rest. You don’t want to turn up to Disney tired!

I think this is as important for men as it is for women-they may say they don’t care but they do! I know my husbands skin goes very dry in the sun so I will be gently reminding him to MOISTURISE!

SPF is also very important on this point as always! This way when you meet that Florida sun, healthily, your gorgeous holiday glow will last long after you have returned (you can always have a spray tan or use gradual tanner in the run up to kick start that holiday feeling!).


Another key thing, unless you were planning on getting it cut at the Harmony Barber shop, is making sure everyone has a haircut in time before their holiday. its often forgotten in the holiday rush but no one wants to be constantly pushing a fringe that is too long out of their eyes or hiding major roots. However don’t plan a drastic change unless you are sure you will love it!

Photo prep

Remember these are photos you will look back on forever! Always say yes to the photo. Too often people feel uncomfortable in front of the camera then miss out on being in the snap shots. Looked back on for years to come by people who love you and want to see you.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t do a few things to boost your confidence and make life easier…

If you are a makeup wearer to make life easier it might be worth having your eyelashes tinted (no more running mascara in the pool) and eyebrows shaped/tinted. Again though no drastic changes right before your trip!

I also always plan on doing a fun pedicure and manicure before I go. One which will be easy to maintain whilst there but show off my Disney side! You might personally think huge fake nails are a great idea-fair play-but again make sure you are used to them before you go and they are maintainable.

You do not want to be running around Florida looking for a nail salon after you chipped one on its a Small World! Or worse one member of our extended group wore acrylic nails whilst we were in Florida. She managed to damage it and her nail underneath. She and her mother spent a whole day in A+E which cost a lot as you can imagine.

Disney Preparation for Walt Disney World

Then the next important things to consider is the Disney prep-reading the Little Big Book of Magic, downloading the Disney Brochures, making reservations for meals etc.

When a holiday has to be this structured a good idea is to print out a calendar for the amount of time you are there. A rough guide can go on here for each day including all the information. This way all the members of the group can have access to this without relying on someone to know it all! 

So in summary…

It can seem like a lot to get ready for a holiday of a lifetime but the most important thing to prepare is to prepare to have fun!

Other posts to read in Preparation for Walt Disney World

How do you prepare for a Walt Disney World trip? Let us know in the comments below!

I love to travel and pick up a tshirt from every magic location I visit! Suffering from a chronic illness travel isn't always too accessible but when I travel I always look for travel with extra magic!

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