Alex stands against a blue background in a Star Wars inspired outfit

New Year, Same you-Resolutions for 2024

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Mindful, Simple and Healthy Resolutions Ideas

New Year’s Resolutions. Something people either love or loath.

I love new starts and starting afresh!

That first page in a new notebook or school book⁠.

⁠A new school year with new pencil case and lunch box⁠.⁠

Or New Years itself with a thousand resolutions and ideas in my head.

⁠⁠However new starts can also be difficult, stressful and full of pressure. Especially the pressure we put on ourselves. ⁠That is what I am focusing on this year. Not putting too much pressure on myself.⁠

My resolution

This year I am setting myself a resolution to set small mindful goals to achieve my aims and goals. Small steps all year long but one at a time that help me achieve bigger end goals. These small steps will hopefully cover the basics of my stereotypical New Years Resolution-being healthier. But in bite sized achievable targets which I will hopefully actually stick to!!

New Year’s Resolutions Ideas

  • Saving Money. This could be broken down into weekly, doable amounts either based on a end goal or what you can afford.
  • Improving Social Media ‘game’. There are so many courses that can be taken (both free and paid) to improve the impact of what you upload online and help you get the maximum from your time
  • Planning, and saving for, a Disney Trip…self explanatory really!
  • Taking a course. I love taking courses to expand my mind when ever I have the opportunity. I am a sucker for a qualification. My main problem is that I am interested in too many different things rather than one burning passion
  •  Mindfulness… this seems to be a buzz topic at the moment. Mindfulness is basically the ability/practise of paying attention to what is happening right now rather than what will or could happen to improve quality of your life. There are lots of apps such as Calm, as well as books/courses etc that you can invest in to help you improve.
  • Resting, and learning that resting is productive. For example try just a few minutes a day of doing something fun and then eventually work up to do doing say 10 minutes of just resting without your head whirring.
  • Moving more-not weight goals or complete exercise schedules you will never follow. But simple steps like adding in an extra 10 minute walk a day and building up or dancing to a song a day will really improve your overall happiness and help keep your head clear! Other health benefits are just a bonus!

I am sure there are many other possibilities for resolutions. If you have any share with us below!! 🙂


I love to travel and pick up a tshirt from every magic location I visit! Suffering from a chronic illness travel isn't always too accessible but when I travel I always look for travel with extra magic!