Alex in a butterfly house

Flooding in Lincolnshire from Storm Babet

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A flood diary

A flood, 3 people, 3 dogs and many storms what could go wrong?

In mid October 2023 the UK faced a battering from Storm Babet. Causing extensive damage but particularly in Lincolnshire where there was widespread flooding. We were one of the worst hit houses in the area with over 3ft of water in the house for over 24hours

This isn’t a post I ever thought I would write but as a writer the effects of Storm Babet have become my world. As the water rose the world around me shrunk. As it receeded, the devastation left behind has filled up every space in my mind.

The flood

19th October 

Early this morning the kitchen flooded and then receeded by the afternoon. It literally came in through the walls and has never happened before 

20th October

Well the water is back, its rising fast and the rain is pouring. We take the dogs for breakfast in the caravan as the table is covered in stuff. We think we will be able to go back to the house but we are wrong. Dykes are over flowing. And the rain still comes. I spend the morning trying to move stuff, particularly photo albums to safety until the water is too dangerous to stay. By the evening it’s up to the top of the caravan steps and I’m scared. We can’t get out to get back to the house but we know serious damage is done. The water is above welly height.


A rabbit gets stuck in the fence and rescued by Jordan in wellies as the water does start to go down. By late afternoon we can go into the house and see that the photo albums I moved have all been high enough. I’m so relieved. Not the same for books but they can be replaced if needs be.

After the flood

22nd October

Due to see friends in Peterborough but have to cancel as so tired. No way of showering. No flushing loo or running water.


A day spent making phone calls


Not too much happens as we try and figure out our next steps. Everything must be left in place until the assessor visits and that’s not until 27th. Almost booked for 3rd!


We can’t live like this much longer. Three humans and 3 dogs in a one bed caravan. No running water (so no showers, flushing loo etc). No gas setup to heat water even if we were connected and no waste water connected. Luckily we have electric and patchy Internet. 

Week 2 post flood

26th October

a day of trying to keep ourselves distracted and waiting 


Everything happens today. Awoken by the driers but the house flooded again in the night. So this means they have to leave to return again. Sewage treatment plant workers arrive, more work to be done then they can manage. The drainage board are out trying to get the overflowing dykes down. We see the assessor and talk over everything. But are left feeling down and confused.


I start to clean up today whilst Jordan returns to work. Mum schelps laundry over 30mins away to the nearest open laundry to get rid of some wetness and save some towels. I go through the bathroom products, throwing stuff away, boxing up what’s OK and piling up rusting items like scales and bins. 


Sees Carol and I away on a previously booked trip. We leave stressed and think of home often but at least we have warm beds and showers for two nights. 

1st November

Today marks almost two weeks since the whole thing started. It’s been so long but also so quick. It’s amazing (in all senses of the word) to think that we won’t be returning to the house to live for months. Today we attempted to tackle the living room but struggled on just two. We have to store everything up stairs but are running out of space fast. Everything feels damp so we are avoiding boxing it up but we may end up that way. Instead we tackle the entrance conservatory. Sorting sopping dog toys and shoes. More to finish tomorrow. 

Week 3

2nd November

Today we cleared more items to upstairs, and emptied an unpleasant fridge. More washing was done this time using hot water from a tea urn. A down day.


We decided to strip the living room after the walls have become so wet that the radiator fell off. So the carpet and sofas went out the door to just try and stop all the water. Most belongings fitted upstairs with a squeeze. A few boxes of ruined books to sort still. 


Today started with a visit from the plumber to sort the radiator which had fallen off the too wet wall in the living room. Next it was attempting to squeeze the contents of the kitchen cupboard upstairs. In the afternoon we washed all the dirty things left from the kitchen. 


Today we escaped to meet friends in Peterborough. A chance to reset. But mum continues on with jobs around.


I worked on alone today whilst mum took week’s of washing to the nearest washing machines. We’ve been using the Revolution outside machines which are great but a 30min drive. I tackled the freezers as well as outbuildings and focused on drying as much stuff as possible! 


On to the little Nissan hut, stored ruined furniture and mountains of boxes to sort. All to go.


Exhausted to my core. Back aches. Nissan hut continues. Piles grow. 

Week 4

9th November

another day in the caravan. Insurance are not doing enough. Life without running water is hard. 


cracking on with the Nissan hut sorting prized boxes possessions into fine. Damp. Ruined.


alot of the damaged possessions are mine. Sad to lose reminders of good times. Difficult when my memory can struggle. Emotional 


tried to get more bulky things  done today. There was a mist so nothing could dry but I wanted to feel like I’d done something going through boxes is slow.


today was a hard day. Lost most of my childhood books. Irreplaceable vintage from the 90s but also my mums childhood in the 50s. Books I thought I would read to my child. Very sad. Box moving is finished though. Just sorting left. 


We left for our honeymoon today. This wasn’t the relaxing experience I hoped for. Much like most of this year. Life is a curveball. 

Week 5

I can’t believe we have got to this point of five weeks after the flood. It feels like a lifetime but also a flash!

I spent the week in Cyprus with my husband (we married in May) and then came back to spend the weekend celebrating my mum’s birthday.

Week 6 post flood

28th November

Just a few boxes to ease ourselves back into sorting.


Boxes and boxes. Childhood memories, toys, boxes of papers, cards and memories just large lumps of squishy wet paper. All gone. The last peice of handwriting from my grandfather washed into an unreadable blur.

Week 7

30th November

Tried to go for less upsetting boxes  today but there’s always something random in there. Mostly stationary and office equipment, so totally ruined but not heartbreaking. 

1st December 2023

How is it December? Another day of box sorting ahead. 

Books ruined and stuck together today. Who knew wet books were so hard to peel apart. Words I’ll never read. Life’s I won’t lead.2nd 

It snowed today and everything froze including the outside tap so no water but also the locks so no sorting boxes etc. 


We got the last things out of their stinky, wet boxes. Finally. Still have to sort through ruined, wet contents but at least it’s not sitting in water anymore. 

Brought in too much to sort and dry. Felt very overwhelmed.


I feel so low today. Everything is difficult. Legs are like lead. Just down.

Put some Christmas decorations up to make me feel brighter.

Also found some of Amber’s Jumpers to put on the other girls. They seem happy and warm. But I keep thinking Amber is by my feet. (Amber was our dog who passed away in Spring 2023 at almost 18 years-its been quite a year!)


Today was a day of drying, moving, drying, sorting, drying, boxing up drying you get the picture. Are we finally getting somewhere?


Today was spent washing. Washing load after load. I never knew washing was so tiring. We stopped at Bostons Matalan for warm clothes and Slippers using the outside washing machines nearby for the first wash. Then we went on the Sutterton services to use theirs whilst we ate and bowled in V-Ate. V-Ate being an automobile themed American style diner. Now with duck pin bowling. A great way to make a task seem more bearable. Although not great to have to leave mid meal to change machine loads! 

Week 8

7th December

Most of the buckets of washing were put away yesterday but not everything had dried. Today was a day spent trying to tidy up the little bits, finish the drying and get things put away. Ready to bring in new tomorrow. 


a day of washing and drying as per normal. Sending emails to insurers that never  get responded too and stressing over dates that builders will eventually show up for. Jordan arrived home from work in the dark clutching a small bundle of post, Christmas cards and a cheque from the insurers for October payments. A cheque?! Who uses cheques nowadays?! Insurers apparently! Not sure where they think we can cash it in. Just what you need when you’ve paid for repairs out of your own pockets a month ago! 


The weather today is enough to give anyone stress. 50mph winds ripping accross the land. Rubbish everywhere. The Wedding gazebo still up in the Paddock came down in the dark. Will have to deal with it in the morning (sadly it is broken!). 


Today we focused on gaining a bit of normality (after taking the gazebo down in freezing rain). I planned and scheduled Instagram posts for my plethora of accounts for the week ahead. And we looked in to Christmas presents, reading our list and checking it twice. 


A trip to crack on with washing today. Skegness. I hit the shops-Aldi, B &M, M&S whilst Mum swaps and changes washing machine loads.


Woke up very early today because of bad weather. It’s a struggle. A trip to the vets for yearly vaccinations. Normal life has to live alongside work life


Drying, drying and more drying. Rotating items, wringing them, flipping items. On the electric radiator, off before they stick. Dealing with the effects of bad weather. The Wedding gazebo came down after all these months, twisted and broken from the wind. Poor Bella panics whenever the rain is too heavy. Can dogs have therapy?

Week 9

14th December

Spent the morning attending a Disney Travel conference and completing a course with Travel Uni on South Korea. I want to return to normality. Or maybe escape


Today we did lots of various tasks, moved washing lines, swapped full and empty boxes, moved endless piles of drying. We also bought a second car so we feel less trapped.


We received a really disheartening email from the insurance. But managed to get more washing and drying done. I feel like I’m running on empty now.


Very empty, burnt out, bad day. 


Today we finally finished the last of the washing from the Flood. Meaning that from now on we will only have to go to a laundrette to wash our own day by day clothes. Very happy about that. Not happy about the stressful shop, the business of boston and the panic that both proceeded and followed a small car bump!!! 


The final load of flood washing-coats-is dry. Just a few books we are attempting to save sit around the radiator now, as a I pop in in between tasks to flip pages.

Week 10, 11, and 12

The three weeks of Christmas past by in a blur of attempting to feel festive, visiting Cambridge and all catching the flu. I now understand the sheer awfulness of the flu vs a cold. Not how I wanted to call in the New Year.

Week 13

We took ourselves to Norfolk for a week in a rented cottage-more information coming soon. Showers and running water at last. Hurrah! What a joy.

Week 14

18th January

We’ve now had the team into come and list everything


All the contents were collected today. It’s gone. At least we don’t have to look at all anymore.


We have had the go-ahead for a second caravan including building work. Still waiting on a magical cheque to fund it but we are starting to take down a block wall in our Nissan Hut. We need at least 30 blocks to site the caravan as well as build stairs etc.


First wall down! This is actually the job we started doing a day before the flood. Odd.


We were broken into last night, luckily nothing taken except the padlock. Presumably cut off. Gates left swinging in the wind. What an awful feeling. So violating to have people come into your property. Especially after a flood, which was basically water doing exactly the same.

Week 15

25th January

Work has started on the base for the second caravan. A huge pile of stone, to make sure the new caravan doesn’t flood. Caravan is now purchased and hopefully on its way to us on the 1st.


Paint colours picked for the 2nd caravan. Trying to find a silver lining. Went bold with Emerald Glade and pretty with an aptly named Pretty Pink. Still hard to find the silver lining when you feel like everything is happening to you. Except this, days continue with block wall removal and list valueing. Both tiring in their own ways.


A grey day today. 9 blocks shifted to near the 2nd caravan base and more down ready to go. A visit from Openreach finally sees the internet fittings replaced and improved internet speeds. Our builder has finished his pre-caravan delivery work.

Week 16

1st February

Its caravan delivery day! And, in much of the fashion as things have been lately…their 4×4 isn’t working so it cant be sited. Just delivered… delivered to just inside the gate. (Little did I know at the time that this would stop me sleeping as every light or noise in the night made me fear it was being stolen.)


I feel so down and empty.

In the end we end up ringing the caravan sites on a daily basis for updates on their 4X4 but it takes until the 14th for it to finally happen.


Visited our local RSPB reserves today to attend a meeting about becoming a volunteer. It’ll be nice to have something I ‘have’ to do that is not just house related.

Week 17

8th February

Looking into cottages again-I want to escape!


The caravan was finally sited this afternoon! Thank goodness!

Week 18

15th February

Now to painting!


Building work resumes with lines painted on the grass and that’s about it.


Trench time. After hours of rain it soon feels like we are in the trenches with mud everywhere. And yes the dogs did fall in multiple times.


Jordan’s birthday plans go awry but that cant be helped. Getting the building work done is the main thing.

Week 19

22nd February

Jordan and I go away to visit his family and return on the 24th


Trenches are filled in finally and the wet muddy ground is covered in a layer of soil taken from our mound. At least the bits that are dry enough are. Everything else is left for a later point.


We finally have running water in both caravans. Just cold for now but its a start! The gas bottles have also arrived to set up for the boilers.

Week 20 and 21

I struggle to think of what to say. Days fly by and drag at the same time. Stuff happens all at once and then we are waiting again.

Week 22

14th March

Work begins this week to strip out the house on the ground floor. It has been long and stressful to get to this point.

18th March

The work has been carried out and completed, to some degree. Perhaps not as much as I’d of thought. For example the insulation still lines the walls although (most) of the plaster board has gone. The broken washing machine sits on whats left of the living room floor. Along with the bathroom suite. Apparently, we are keeping that.

Week 23

21st March

We are so happy to have the caravans finally set up and liveable. If only there were more sockets in the 2nd caravan (now to be called Hibiscus).

I want to focus on the outside area so we can finally have a garden. I long for warmer weather.

Week 24

3rd April

Manager of workmen and Loss Adjuster arrive to inspect work. Much dodging of questions and some muttering but they seem happy enough to proceed with drying.

Week 25

8th April

Nothing much to report this week, radio silence. However I have started a new job outside of the home. (As well as volunteering position which I began last month). Filling my head as well as my time.

Week 26th

17th April

Drying technician turns up and unlike previous inspectors is not happy about state of stripout. Telephone calls are made and we are left again.

(little did we know this would be followed by weeks of radio silence and stress).

Week 27th

18th April

Carol and I escape to a tulip field for the day. Beautiful!

24th April

A (lovely) estate agent comes to give his opinion of the house and our possible plans. He’s worried and thinks we should basically move. Afternoon sees a visit from the Architect who has great new plans…knock down the house and start again.

Week 28 and 29

Jordan and I escape to Seattle to see friends. I however wake daily around 6am daily it seems. I check emails a lot, cry a few times but generally plaster a smile on my face. Note: A UK standard smile is not quite up to American standards of exuberant emotion as I’m quizzed on how I “really” feel by a friend of my friend.

Week 30

13th May

Bump back to reality. Decisions must be made now on everything.

Week 31

20th May

Jordan and I celebrate one year of marriage, quietly. No plans. Small presents. How odd this year has been. How odd life is.

22nd May

With emotions running high, decisions are made. Although they can’t be finalised as Loss Adjuster is on radio silence. Looks like they will have to wait until after the Bank Holiday weekend.

Week 32

25th May

A miserable day spent miserably. Working through the flood list of items is long and draining. I sit here googling things and its like reliving it. Losing precious things all over again. Normally which seem to be worth £3.50. Is this some sort of magic number?! Second day of doing it, only for a few hours at a time leaves me empty.

Week 42

2nd August 2024

Not much has changed except we finally have sunny weather. Infact the caravans become sweltering in even the smallest rise of temperature. But I’m not complaining.

I still frequently chase the insurance company for pay outs for the electric and extra living costs from the flood. Dated from December and January. I’m a little fed up of it now to say the least.

I’ve almost finished the contents list, still to transfer it to the official list though. However I feel that sending it over at the moment would fall on deaf ears. And just give me something else to chase. Or think about at 2am. I want at least something resolved with the insurance company before I exchange it. A hostage situation of sorts but only for my own mind.

Is it so wrong to want a response or acknowledgement?

Week 44

21st August

Last week we had a “customer care” phone call to find out how we were “getting on”. Badly, we informed the lady on the phone. Filling her in on the details, or lack of, from our ‘team’. She, shocked, said she would get to the bottom of it.

Without an email or further communcation from our representative, a lump sum of money appeared in our account less than 2 working days later. At least we can cut ties now

Week 45

23rd August

The weather today makes it feel like winter already. Depressing. I have been working extra shifts over the summer so have had no time to finish the contents list.

Very frustrating

I love to travel and pick up a tshirt from every magic location I visit! Suffering from a chronic illness travel isn't always too accessible but when I travel I always look for travel with extra magic!